I'm having a problem with transaction code ML81N
and ML85
Both programs works as expected, though, there is a problem with the release strategy not being assigned to new orders.
I followed this guide, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I did everything the tutorial explained. Only difference are the values I set, such as release code, release group, etc...
Is there something more I need to do?
Edit - Posted screenshots of my full configuration
Transaction: OLMSRV
=> Define Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheet
=> Release Groups
Transaction: OLMSRV
=> Define Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheet
=> Release Codes
Transaction: OLMSRV
=> Define Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheet
=> Release Indicator
Transaction: OLMSRV
=> Define Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheet
=> Release Strategies
Transaction: OLMSRV
=> Define Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheet
=> Release Strategies
=> Classification
Transaction: CL02
Transaction: CL02
Transaction: CT04
Transaction: CT04
Transaction: CT04
Release Group: Z1
Release Code: Z1
Although this question is off-topic as pointed out by @Philipp in the comment, and I understand that, I'll post an answer anyway as it resolved my issue.
It turns out there's a problem in the program's code of txcode ML81N
which would reset whatever was set inside function module EXIT_SAPLMLSR_010
(user exit => SRVESSR - Set entry sheet header data
SAP-NOTE 2132444 solved the issue.