Going through the docs, it seems like Sapper's template.html only has these tags available:
What I'd love to have is the current page's slug to use it like so:
<!-- bottom of template.html -->
<img src="https://piratepx.com/page={currentPageSlug}"
alt="" style="display:none;"/>
It doesn't need to be available to JS, just added in the HTML.
I'm exporting to static and this would be a trivial task with most Static Site Generators but I can't find the obvious solution with Sapper.
Considering you are using Sapper I would do this in _layout.svelte
import { stores } from '@sapper/app';
const { page } = stores();
$: currentPageslug = $page.params.slug
<img src="https://piratepx.com/page={currentPageSlug}" alt=""/>
With this technique you can also add a default value, or some condition in case there is no slug.