I know, this is a complex case but maybe one of you might have an idea on how to do this.
I have the following process in my API:
for id
-based parameters)Middleware
Nevertheless, if you just assign the middleware via ->middleware('middlewareName')
to the route and the FormRequest via dependency injection to the controller method, first the middleware is called and after that the FormRequest. As described above, that's not what I need.
I first tried dependency injection at the middleware but it didn't work.
My solution was to assign the middleware in the controller constructor. Dependency injection works here, but suddenly Auth::user()
returns null
Then, I came across the FormRequest::createFrom($request)
method in \Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider.php:34
and the possibility to pass the $request
object to the middleware's handle()
method. The result looks like this:
public function __construct(Request $request)
$middleware = new MyMiddleware();
$request = MyRequest::createFrom($request);
$middleware->handle($request, function() {})
But now the request is not validated yet. Just calling $request->validated()
returns nothing. So I digged a little deeper and found that $resolved->validateResolved();
is done in \Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FormRequestServiceProvider.php:30
but that doesn't seem to trigger the validation since it throws an exception saying that this method cannot be called on null
but $request isn't null
Call to a member function validated() on null
Now, I'm completely stumped. Does anyone know how to solve this or am I just doing it wrong?
Thanks in advance!
I guess, I figured out a better way to do this.
While middleware is doing authentication, I was doing authorization there and therefore I have to use a Gate
public function getData(MyRequest $request)
$filters = $request->query();
// execute queries
class MyRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* @return bool
public function authorize()
return Gate::allows('get-data', $this);
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array
public function rules()
return [
// ...
* Prepare the data for validation.
* @return void
protected function prepareForValidation()
private function cleanQueryParameters($queryParams): array
$queryParams = array_filter($queryParams, function($param) {
return is_array($param) ? count($param) : strlen($param);
$defaultStartDate = (new \DateTime())->modify('monday next week');
$defaultEndDate = (new \DateTime())->modify('friday next week');
$defaults = [
'article.created_by_id' => self::getDefaultEmployeeIds(),
'date_from' => $defaultStartDate->format('Y-m-d'),
'date_to' => $defaultEndDate->format('Y-m-d')
$aliases = [
// ...
$mapper = [
// ...
foreach($aliases as $alias => $key) {
if (array_key_exists($alias, $queryParams)) {
$queryParams[$key] = $queryParams[$alias];
foreach($mapper as $key => $fn) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $queryParams)) {
$fn($queryParams, $key);
$allowedFilters = array_merge(
array_map(function(string $param) {
return 'article.'.$param;
}, TicketArticle::$allowedApiParameters)
$arrayProps = [
// ..
foreach($queryParams as $param => $value) {
if (!in_array($param, $allowedFilters) && !in_array($param, ['date_from', 'date_to'])) {
abort(400, 'Filter "'.$param.'" not found');
if (in_array($param, $arrayProps)) {
$queryParams[$param] = guarantee('array', $value);
return array_merge($defaults, $queryParams);
class MyGate
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|Void
* @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException
public function authorizeGetDataCall(User $user, MyRequest $request): Response
Log::info('[MyGate] Checking permissions …');
if (in_array(LDAPGroups::Admin, session('PermissionGroups', []))) {
// no further checks needed
Log::info('[MyGate] User is administrator. No further checks needed');
return Response::allow();
if (
($request->has('group') && !in_array(Group::toLDAPGroup($request->get('group')), session('PermissionGroups', []))) ||
$request->has('owner.department') && !in_array(Department::toLDAPGroup($request->query('owner.department')), session('PermissionGroups', [])) ||
$request->has('creator.department') && !in_array(Department::toLDAPGroup($request->query('creator.department')), session('PermissionGroups', []))
) {
Log::warning('[MyGate] Access denied due to insufficient group/deparment membership', [ 'group/department' =>
$request->has('group') ?
Group::toLDAPGroup($request->get('group')) :
($request->has('owner.department') ?
Department::toLDAPGroup($request->query('owner.department')) :
($request->has('creator.department') ?
Department::toLDAPGroup($request->query('creator.department')) :
return Response::deny('Access denied');
if ($request->has('customer_id') || $request->has('article.created_by_id')) {
$ids = [];
if ($request->has('customer_id')) {
$ids = array_merge($ids, $request->query('customer_id'));
if ($request->has('article.created_by_id')) {
$ids = array_merge($ids, $request->query('article.created_by_id'));
$users = User::find($ids);
$hasOtherLDAPGroup = !$users->every(function($user) {
return in_array(Department::toLDAPGroup($user->department), session('PermissionGroups', []));
if ($hasOtherLDAPGroup) {
Log::warning('[MyGate] Access denied due to insufficient permissions to see specific other user\'s data', [ 'ids' => $ids ]);
return Response::deny('Access denied');;
if ($request->has('owner.login') || $request->has('creator.login')) {
$logins = [];
if ($request->has('owner.login')) {
$logins = array_merge(
guarantee('array', $request->query('owner.login'))
if ($request->has('creator.login')) {
$logins = array_merge(
guarantee('array', $request->query('creator.login'))
$users = User::where([ 'samaccountname' => $logins ])->get();
$hasOtherLDAPGroup = !$users->every(function($user) {
return in_array(Department::toLDAPGroup($user->department), session('PermissionGroups', []));
if ($hasOtherLDAPGroup) {
Log::warning('[MyGate] Access denied due to insufficient permissions to see specific other user\'s data', [ 'logins' => $logins ]);
return Response::deny('Access denied');
Log::info('[MyGate] Permission checks passed');
return Response::allow();