Hi I am new to LINUX and recently installed LINUXFX which was working great. Now I have LAMPP (XAMPP) Configuration issue with it. After installing XAMPP I was able to load XAMPP demo page successfully, but if I want to open my project folders which are located in different sub-directories, I can't.
In detail, I have copied my project folders to /LAMPP/HTDOCS/ and in .CONF File I could be able to change the root path to access only one project folder. How can I make it for multiple projects. Please Help!
if($row['role']==0 || $row['role']=='0'){
}elseif($row['role']==1 || $row['role']=='1'){
echo'<script>alert("!This username ");
echo'<script>alert("!This username and password do not match ");
I have solved the problem as mentioned below. First as suggested by @Cbroe, I set the path in the Apache Config file. The issue is with the file name. The file name was given as "cashier_dashboard.php" in the code and the original file name was "Cashier_Dashboard.php". As earlier while doing the same in windows 10, it was accepting the code without any problem. I presume in LINUX, we must be very careful in assigning the file name and this should be same in the PHP code as well!
Thank you @cbroe for guiding me!