I have modified the van der Pol example from DrModelica with the following changes:
model FPStirling "Free Piston Stirling engine model"
Real x(start = 1,fixed = true);
Real v(start = 1,fixed = true);
Real T(start = 1,fixed = true);
der(x) = v;
dev(v) = T/x-1;
dev(T) = 1 - x;
end FPStirling;
It evaluates and returns: {FPStirling}
Then I run: simulate(FPStirling, startTime=0, stopTime=25 )
But I get the output:
record SimulationResult
resultFile = "",
messages = "Failed to build model: FPStirling"
end SimulationResult;
"[7:3-7:17] Error: Class dev not found in scope FPStirling (looking for a function or record).
Error: Error occurred while flattening model FPStirling
Could it be a path problem?
Do you really have a function dev
defined somewhere? Or maybe its a typo for der