I would like to use functions in my personal package built on top of an R6 class called ms_team
defined inside of the Microsoft365R
package. Right now these functions all fail because even though I import the functions I need, when I try to call one of my functions which rely on them, I get an error that this object is not found.
Error in login$get_team(team_id) : object 'ms_team' not found
I have tried to include @importFrom Microsoft365R ms_team ...
in my function, but with no success. What are the magic words to use functions which rely on externally defined R6 classes in a package?
Microsoft365R dev here. I assume you're using roxygen2.
To import an exported object (any object, not just an R6 class) from another package, put
#' @importFrom pkgname objname
in one of your package's R files. In this case, you would do
#' @importFrom Microsoft365R ms_team
It may be easier, and more robust, to import the entire package though:
#' @import Microsoft365R
See here for how I import the AzureGraph package into Microsoft365R itself, for example.