I am setting up a docker container test environment of a Spring Cloud Config Server and Eureka Discovery Service to a server running Oracle Linux 8. Before anything else, I added the following port from firewalld to allow inbound (reloaded and restarted the firewall after):
I can confirm the port were added successfully
Next, I created a docker network: docker network create net-test
then build and run the Spring Cloud Config Server and it's accessible via my local computer when I tried to curl: curl
(dummy) as it displays the actuator details.
Next, I ran the Eureka and checked the logs and its getting the application properties from the Spring Cloud Config Server.
However, I am unable to access it via browser or curl (curl
Failed to connect to port 8087: Connection refused
This is the application.properties of Eureka
"source": {
"server.port": 8087,
"spring.application.name": "discovery",
"eureka.client.fetchRegistry": false,
"eureka.client.registerWithEureka": false,
"eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone": "", # IP of host machine
"eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address": true,
"spring.security.user.name": "test1",
"spring.security.user.password": "test1"
UPDATE Here are the Docker commands/setup I used
docker network create net-test
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine
COPY target/discoveryservice-0.0.1-snapshot.jar discoveryservice.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "discoveryservice.jar"]
docker build --tag=discovery-service --force-rm=true .
docker run -p 8087:8087 --network=net-test --name=discovery-service discovery-service
According to @PapEr's comment: You have to turn server.address
Listing on ports must be bind to a host. Read this for more informations.
With the address you can reduce the machines, which can talk to the port.
Normally you don't know the docker-ip, so you can't just set the address of your docker-container. You have only the choice between localhost
With localhost
only connection from the inside of your docker-container are possible. In other words: No other applications can talk to your container, if you set localhost
Since your containers have their own network and ip, I don't see any reason why address=
is bad idea. Also in production.