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REST API for setting multi select field type in Azure Devops

I have installed following plugin to support multi-value type field in Azure DevOps,used%20to%20back%20the%20extension.

I am able to set the option for this field by separating using "semicolon". like "A; B; C" I can also see this field in my work item and able to set the values.

I need help with how can I update this multivalue type field through REST API. I want to change the value of the work item which has this multi-value type field through REST API. I have already tried updating them using the following approaches

  1. "A; B"
  2. "A, B"
  3. "[A, B]"
  4. "A;B"
  5. "A,B"

It sets up the value which I am sending using option 4, but it adds those as an extra option though the option already exists with that value. I can see extra spaces on the option which I am sending through REST AP{I, but I have checked my JSON there is no extra space (using option 4).

enter image description here


  • I add a new work item field Multivalue control Test and configure Multivalue control

    We could get the work item details via the REST API Work Items - Get Work Item:


    And we could check the value of field Custom.MultivaluecontrolTest


    enter image description here

    Then we could update the value via the REST API Work Items - Update to update the value.


    Sample request body:

        "op": "test",
        "path": "/rev",
        "value": 7
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/fields/Custom.MultivaluecontrolTest",
        "value": "A;B;C"


    enter image description here

    The filed value format is A;B;C, same as UI