I need to check if the string fulfil the conditions:
I've got:
if not re.fullmatch(r'^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).{4,}$', 'ab7c'):
print('The string is wrong')
May I know which conditions were not met? In my example, they are:
Well you could just perform each assertion separately:
def checkString(input):
msg = ''
if len(input) < 4:
msg = ' -length must be 4 or more characters'
if re.search(r'[^A-Za-z]', input):
msg = msg + '\n -input must consist of only letters'
if not re.search(r'[A-Z]', input):
msg = msg + '\n -input must have at least one uppercase letter'
if msg:
print('The input fails validation:\n ' + msg.strip())
This prints:
The input fails validation:
-length must be 4 or more characters
-input must consist of only letters
-input must have at least one uppercase letter
However, if the input be missing just one criterion, then we would get:
The input fails validation:
-input must consist of only letters