Search code examples

Liquid Template - Item ID

Can someone please assist how can I pull the itemid from the below using a liquid template?:

  "orders": [
      "id": 3688882438313,
      "line_items": [
          "id": 9698678243497
          "id": 9698678276265

I can get the order id from the following template:

   "Order" : [   
      {% for order in content.orders%}      
         "ID" : "{{ }}",
      {% endfor %}   

But cannot seem to pull the item ID no matter what I try and advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • For your requirement, here provide a sample of liquid for your reference:

        "Order" : [   
            {% for order in content.orders%}      
                    "ID" : "{{ }}",
                    "ItemIds": [
                        {% for item in order.line_items%}
                                "itemId": "{{}}"
                        {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}   

    Run the liquid above, we can get the result:

      "Order": [
          "ID": "3688882438313",
          "ItemIds": [
              "itemId": "9698678243497"
              "itemId": "9698678276265"