I need to generate an export CSV file and place it on the Media Library.
Building the code to generate de CSV was an easy task so I will show only the function call:
var csvContent = await strapi.api.product.services.product.export();
Ths issue strated when trying to place it on the media library. Until now, the only solution I founded was to use a post to /upload endpoint but as this is not a professional solution so I'm looking for alternatives.
My code:
var csvContent = await strapi.api.product.services.product.export(); //trus me, it works
const rootDir = process.cwd();
const fileName = 'ExportedProducts' + new Date().toDateString();
fs.writeFileSync(rootDir + '/public/uploads/' + fileName + '.csv', csvContent);
const form = new FormData();
form.append('files', 'textodeprueba', rootDir + '/public/uploads/' + fileName + '.csv');
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer SAMPLE_TOKEN';
axios.post(`http://localhost:1337/upload`, form, {
headers: form.getHeaders(),
.then(res => {
strapi.log.info("Building Products CSV File - Status: Finished - Date: " + new Date());
result.status= "Finished";
.catch(err => {
strapi.log.info("Building Products CSV File - Status: Failed - Date: " + new Date());
result.status = "Failed";
result.err = res;
This code works but as I'm new with node and strapi, there are many mistakes:
I can't find a way to call the upload service internaly. any ideas or documentation to read about it?
UPDATE 08-Mar-21: I tried to replace the post using internal service. It's a better idea but the internal service does not exists.
I'll try to create de colection type in order to check if it uses the 'upload_file' table.
var csvContent = await strapi.api.product.services.product.export();
const rootDir = process.cwd();
const fileName = 'ExportedProducts' + new Date().toDateString() + '.csv';
fs.writeFileSync(rootDir + '/public/uploads/' + fileName, csvContent);
var stats = fs.statSync(rootDir + '/public/uploads/' + fileName);
name: fileName,
alternativeText: "",
caption: "",
hash: uuid.v4(),//random hash
ext: ".csv",
mime: "text/csv",
size: stats.size,
url: "/uploads/" + fileName,
provider: "local",
width: null,
heught: null
Error Message:
Error: The model upload_file can't be found.
The community helped a lot on THIS POST .
Upload plugin allow us to upload a new file with the option to realet it to a collection.
First the example to just upload the file:
const mime = require('mime'); //will need to install with "npm i mime"
const fs = require('fs');
const rootDir = process.cwd();
const fileName = 'test.csv';
const filePath = `${rootDir}/public/uploads/${fileName}`
const stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
//uploading it directly to upload services.
await strapi.plugins.upload.services.upload.upload({
data:{}, //mandatory declare the data(can be empty), otherwise it will give you an undefined error. This parameters will be used to relate the file with a collection.
files: {
path: filePath,
name: fileName,
type: mime.getType(filePath), // mime type of the file
size: stats.size,
And in the next round, the way to relate your uploaded file with a collection line.
const fs = require('fs');
const mime = require('mime'); //used to detect file's mime type
const rootDir = process.cwd();
const fileName = 'ExportedProducts' + new Date().toDateString() + '.csv';
const filePath = rootDir + '/public/uploads/' + fileName;
var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
await strapi.plugins.upload.services.upload.upload({
data: {
refId: collectionLine.id,
ref: 'collectionName',
field: 'fieldName-mediaType',
files: {
path: filePath,
name: fileName,
type: mime.getType(filePath), // mime type of the file
size: stats.size,
Note that a community member suggested "mime-types" library, but it throws an error when try to call getType function. So I replaced It with "mime".
Thanks for reading and hope to help!