In this post, I had asked a question as to how I can have my script read a CSV header and auto-quote string values; i.e. automatically wrap those columns whose data type is string and would need "" in order to be inserted into a SQL table. Apparently, this would be more than what Bash can handle?
At any rate, I'd welcome any help regarding how I can make the following script work: here, I have basically the same script but I tried to manually define separate columns and assign them to variables with col3 being a string column, hence quoted. Needless to say, it doesn't do what I want it to do (i.e. give me quoted values for all the string data under col3). Thanks!
echo Path to to-be-imported CSV:
read csv_file
echo Table name to import into:
read table
echo "INSERT INTO $table VALUES" > SQL_INSERT_$table.txt
while read col1 col2 col3 col4
echo "($col1 $col2 "$col3" $col4),"
done < <(tail -n +2 $csv_file) >> SQL_INSERT_$table.txt && sed -i '' '$ s/.$/;/' SQL_INSERT_$table.txt
Given the following csv file:
1999,Chevy,Venture Extended Edition,,4900.00
1999,Chevy,Venture Extended Edition Very Large,,5000.00
And the code:
awk -F, 'OFS=FS {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (match($i, /^[0-9.-]+$/)==0) {printf "\"" $i "\""} else {printf $i}; if (i<NF) printf OFS}; printf "\n"}' /tmp/csv
It outputs:
All the string types of values are quoted.
1999,"Chevy","Venture Extended Edition","",4900.00
1999,"Chevy","Venture Extended Edition Very Large","",5000.00
The code is based on these assumptions:
If the assumptions don't stand for your data, you may need a CSV parser like this. And the exceptional field values should be well quoted, otherwise, even a parser won't know what to do.
BTW: Unless your data is very simple and the row number is a few, this is not the recommended way to manipulate the data. Many DBMS has an import/load utility that can be used in a program to do such a job.