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how to tell JHipster JDL to enable 'API first development'?

When I generate a JHipster application manually, I get asked whether I want to to go with a 'API first'-approach (e.g.: Which other technologies would you like to use? > API first development using OpenAPI-generator)

How can I do the same if want to create the application with a JDL-file? e.g.:

application {
  config {
    baseName myapp
    applicationType monolith
    devDatabaseType mysql
    prodDatabaseType mysql
    buildTool maven
    clientFramework react
    enableTranslation true
    nativeLanguage en
    languages [en, de]
    enableOpenApi true <-- What is the correct way to enable OpenAPI?
  entities *


  • thanks to @gaël-marziou I found it: enableSwaggerCodegen true

    jhipster export-jdl export.jh
    cat export.jh
    application {
      config {
        applicationType monolith
        authenticationType jwt
        baseName dummy
        blueprints []
        buildTool maven
        cacheProvider no
        clientFramework angularX
        clientPackageManager npm
        clientTheme flatly
        clientThemeVariant dark
        creationTimestamp 1616332818045
        databaseType sql
        devDatabaseType postgresql
        dtoSuffix DTO
        enableHibernateCache false
        enableSwaggerCodegen true <-- this is it
        enableTranslation true
        jhiPrefix jhi
        jhipsterVersion "7.0.0"
        jwtSecretKey "xxxxxxx"
        languages [en]
        messageBroker false
        nativeLanguage en
        otherModules []
        packageName com.mycompany.myapp
        prodDatabaseType postgresql
        reactive false
        searchEngine false
        serverPort 8080
        serviceDiscoveryType eureka
        skipClient false
        skipServer false
        skipUserManagement false
        testFrameworks []
        websocket false
        withAdminUi true