I am a beginner in Python, I know the code for TicTacToe is already available in the Internet but I would like to understand why it's not working the way I have written.
Please find the code below, the program works the problem is I am not sure how to announce if the game is Draw and if the box is already picked up by a player the other player should not use the same box by mistake, currently it can be overwritten.
import sys
def game_on():
"""User input to play the Game to stop"""
game = False
while game == False:
user_request = input("Enter 'Y' to start the game, 'N' to stop: ").upper()
if user_request == 'Y':
return True
elif user_request == 'N':
print("Thanks for Playing... Good Bye...")
game = True
print("Wrong choice! Select either Y or N")
game = False
test_board = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
def display_board(board):
"""Tic_Tac_Toe board to play, it will be displayed with numbers which user can select to replace the box in the board"""
def player_1():
"""Player_1 input to select the specific box"""
choice = 'Wrong'
while choice.isdigit() == False:
choice = input("Player_1 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
if choice.isdigit() == False:
print("Enter the given number in the range 1 to 9: ")
return int(choice)
def player_2():
"""Player_2 input to select the specific box"""
choice = 'Wrong'
while choice.isdigit() == False:
choice = input("Player_2 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
if choice.isdigit() == False:
print("Enter a given number in the range 1 to 9")
return int(choice)
def update_user_input_player_1(test_board,position):
"""Player_1 input will be replaced with X """
# replacement = input("If it's player 1 enter X, if it's player 2 enter O: ")
test_board[position] = 'X'
return test_board
def update_user_input_player_2(test_board,position):
"""Player_1 input will be replaced with Y """
# replacement = input("If it's player 1 enter X, if it's player 2 enter O: ")
test_board[position] = 'Y'
return test_board
###Still don't know how to put a draw if the list still has numbers
def winner_announcement(test_board):
"""Winner will be analysed and established"""
validate = True
# print(validate)
while validate == True:
if ('X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[2] and 'X' in test_board[3]) or ('X' in test_board[4] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[6]) or ('X' in test_board[7] and 'X' in test_board[8] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or ('X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or ('X' in test_board[3] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 1 is the winner")
elif ('Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[2] and 'Y' in test_board[3]) or ('Y' in test_board[4] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[6]) or ('Y' in test_board[7] and 'Y' in test_board[8] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or ('Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or ('Y' in test_board[3] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 2 is the winner")
validate = False
###Function call
play = game_on()
while play == True:
player__1_result = player_1()
player_2_result = player_2()
For the Draw, I though if I can write a condition outside the current if statement, it should work but it's simply hanging doing nothing.
```def winner_announcement(test_board):
"""Winner will be analysed and established"""
validate = True
# print(validate)
while validate == True:
if ('X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[2] and 'X' in test_board[3]) or ('X' in test_board[4] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[6]) or ('X' in test_board[7] and 'X' in test_board[8] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or ('X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or ('X' in test_board[3] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 1 is the winner")
elif ('Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[2] and 'Y' in test_board[3]) or ('Y' in test_board[4] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[6]) or ('Y' in test_board[7] and 'Y' in test_board[8] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or ('Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or ('Y' in test_board[3] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 2 is the winner")
print("Game Draw")
validate = False```
Here I have modified many parts of your given code, added a few more conditions to check for occupancy and valid range input. Also added "draw" condition and made code more cleaner:
import sys
import numpy as np
def game_on():
"""User input to play the Game to stop"""
game = False
while not game: # "while not False" ==> "while True"
user_request = input("Enter 'Y' to start the game, 'N' to stop: ").upper()
if user_request == 'Y':
return True
elif user_request == 'N':
print("Thanks for Playing... Good Bye...")
print("Wrong choice! Select either Y or N")
test_board = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
draw_check = test_board[:]
draw_check[0] = '1'
def display_board(board):
"""Tic_Tac_Toe board to play, it will be displayed with numbers which user can select to replace the box in the board"""
print(board[1] + '|' + board[2] + '|' + board[3])
print(board[4] + '|' + board[5] + '|' + board[6])
print(board[7] + '|' + board[8] + '|' + board[9])
def player_1():
"""Player_1 input to select the specific box"""
choice = input("Player_1 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
while not choice.isdigit() or int(choice) > 9:
choice = input("Player_1 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
return int(choice)
def player_2():
"""Player_2 input to select the specific box"""
choice = input("Player_2 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
while not choice.isdigit() or int(choice) > 9:
choice = input("Player_2 enter a number between 1 to 9: ")
return int(choice)
def update_user_input_player_1(test_board, position):
"""Player_1 input will be replaced with X """
# replacement = input("If it's player 1 enter X, if it's player 2 enter O: ")
while not test_board[position].isdigit():
print('Location is occupied!')
position = player_1()
test_board[position] = 'X'
return test_board
def update_user_input_player_2(test_board, position):
"""Player_1 input will be replaced with Y """
# replacement = input("If it's player 1 enter X, if it's player 2 enter O: ")
while not test_board[position].isdigit():
print('Location is occupied!')
position = player_2()
test_board[position] = 'Y'
return test_board
###Still don't know how to put a draw if the list still has numbers
def winner_announcement(test_board):
"""Winner will be analysed and established"""
validate = True
# print(validate)
while validate: # "while True"
if ('X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[2] and 'X' in test_board[3]) or (
'X' in test_board[4] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[6]) or (
'X' in test_board[7] and 'X' in test_board[8] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or (
'X' in test_board[1] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[9]) or (
'X' in test_board[3] and 'X' in test_board[5] and 'X' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 1 is the winner")
elif ('Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[2] and 'Y' in test_board[3]) or (
'Y' in test_board[4] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[6]) or (
'Y' in test_board[7] and 'Y' in test_board[8] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or (
'Y' in test_board[1] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[9]) or (
'Y' in test_board[3] and 'Y' in test_board[5] and 'Y' in test_board[7]):
print("Player 2 is the winner")
elif not (np.array(draw_check) == test_board).any():
print("It's a Draw!")
validate = False
###Function call
play = game_on()
while play == True:
player__1_result = player_1()
update_user_input_player_1(test_board, player__1_result)
player_2_result = player_2()
update_user_input_player_2(test_board, player_2_result)