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How to check for time every minutes in Rails

Let's say I want to build a Reminder App. It allow user to set a time which will remind them to do their work. For example: 24th March 07:03 PM.

The easiest way I can think of is to use whenever gem and set a crontab every minutes and check if there is any reminder needs to be fire.

But I was wondering if there is a better way to achieve this. Or if now users want to set a reminder in seconds, what can I do? For example: 24th March 07:03:33 PM.


  • Another way to do this and be accurate to seconds is with a delayed background job.

    For example resque_scheduler

    When a user creates a reminder you enqueue a job at specific time.

     reminder = Reminder.last
     # assuming reminder has a column reminder_at and there is 
     # a job that processes these reminders, ProcessReminderJob
     Resque.enqueue_at(reminder.remind_at, ProcessReminderJob,