I got an assignment to make a program using loops. User inputs a number from 1-98, then the output is a factorial of that number. If the user enters a number other than the number above, then the user is asked to re-enter the appropriate number. Now when the user input is appropriate, the output that comes out does not match the factorial results.
here's the picture of that error
and this is the code
num = int(input("Input Number (1-98) : "))
Factorial = 1
for a in range(1,num+1):
if 0 < num < 99:
Factorial = Factorial*a
else :
print("input does not match, Repeat input (1-98)")
num = int(input("Input Number (1-98) :"))
print ("The factorial of", num, "is", Factorial)
can you help me to fix this?
You must separate the input part and the compute part
num = -1
while not (0 < num < 99):
num = int(input("Input Number (1-98) :"))
Factorial = 1
for a in range(1, num + 1):
Factorial = Factorial * a
print("The factorial of", num, "is", Factorial)
The reason was
says "input does not match"