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Is it possible to reduce repetitive permutation-based if-statements?

Hello I'm working on this math game and for my last scene I did what feels like a lot of repetitive code but I'm not sure if there's a way to simplify it, I have linked below so maybe some more seasoned programmers might have some more elegant solutions! For example, Im trying to generate every permutation of something like (a[]b)²[]c[]d where the brackets will be replaced by +,-,*, or /. What I have been doing is just creating random percent if statements to pick a specific version like "(a+b)²/c-d" Is there possibly a less "brute-force" and readable approach then what I have been doing?

        // 50% of being (a+b)²(c)+d
        ans = ((int) Mathf.Pow((float) a+ (float) b, 2))*c+d;
        input.text = "("+a+"+"+b+")"+"²"+"("+c+")"+"+"+d+"=";
        Debug.Log("Problem ID: 78");
        // 50% of being (a+b)²(c)-d
    } else {
        ans = ((int) Mathf.Pow((float) a+ (float) b, 2))*c-d;
        input.text = "("+a+"+"+b+")"+"²"+"("+c+")"+"-"+d+"=";
        Debug.Log("Problem ID: 79");
    // 50% of being (a-b)²(c)[]d
} else {
    // 50% of being (a-b)²(c)+d
        ans = ((int) Mathf.Pow((float) a- (float) b, 2))*c+d;
        input.text = "("+a+"-"+b+")"+"²"+"("+c+")"+"+"+d+"=";
        Debug.Log("Problem ID: 80");
        // 50% of being (a-b)²(c)-d
    } else {
        ans = ((int) Mathf.Pow((float) a- (float) b, 2))*c-d;
        input.text = "("+a+"-"+b+")"+"²"+"("+c+")"+"-"+d+"=";
        Debug.Log("Problem ID: 81");

(Pastebin below for more context)


  • I applaud your desire to make your code more readable. The basic idea is to split (a) defining, (b) choosing and (c) applying your operators.

    • Step 1: You define Operators. Each Operator combines both a mathematical operation (e.g. Add would be (a, b) => a + b) and a symbol (e.g. Add would be "+").

      class Operator
          public Func<int, int, int> Calculate { get; }
          public string Symbol { get; }
          public Operator(Func<int, int, int> calculate, string symbol)
              Calculate = calculate;
              Symbol = symbol;
      private Operator Add = new Operator((a, b) => (a + b), "+");
      private Operator Subtract = new Operator((a, b) => (a - b), "-");
    • Step 2: Then you randomly choose your operators (I used System.Random, since I'm not familiar with Unity, but feel free to replace it with the random number generator of your choice):

      var rnd = new Random();
      private (Operator op1, Operator op2, int problemId) RandomlyChooseProblem()
          switch (rnd.Next(4))
              case 0: return (Add, Add, 78);
              case 1: return (Add, Subtract, 79);
              case 2: return (Subtract, Add, 80);
              case 3: return (Subtract, Subtract, 81);
              default: throw new InvalidOperationException("This should not happen.");
    • Step 3: You apply them:

      var (op1, op2, problemId) = RandomlyChooseProblem();
      ans = op2.Calculate((int)Math.Pow(op1.Calculate(a, b), 2) * c, d);
      input.text = $"(a{op1.Symbol}b)²*c{op2.Symbol}d");
      Debug.Log($"Problem ID: {problemId}");

    Adding a new operator (e.g. Multiply) or a new problem variant (e.g. (Add, Multiply, 82)) is now just a single line of code.