I'm using a Delaunay triangularization to convert a scatter plot to a surface. To animate this plot, I want to update the trisurf
handle instead of creating a new trisurf
plot to reduce overhead and to increase the plotting speed.
Basically, in a for loop, I want to update the properties of the trisurf
handle h
to obtain the same plot that calling trisurf
again would yield.
x = linspace(0,1,11);
y = x;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
mag = hypot(X(:),Y(:)); % exemplary magnitude
T = delaunay(X(:),Y(:));
z = 0
h = trisurf(T, X(:), Y(:), z*ones(size(X(:))), mag, 'FaceColor', 'interp'); view([-90 90]);
for i = 1:10
% Compute new values for X, Y, z, and mag
% -> Update properties of handle h to redraw the trisurf plot instead
% of recalling the last line before the for loop again, e.g.,
% h.FaceVertexCData = ...
% h.Faces = ...
% h.XData = ...
You can change a few properties of the Patch object returned by trisurf()
for i = 1:9
% Compute new values for X, Y, z, and mag
% As an example:
x = linspace(0,1,11-i);
y = x;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
mag = hypot(X(:),Y(:));
T = delaunay(X(:),Y(:));
z = i;
Z = z*ones(size(X)); %we could have just called `meshgrid()` with 3 arguments instead
% End recomputation
% Update trisurf() patch: option 1
set( h, 'Faces',T, 'XData',X(T).', 'YData',Y(T).', 'ZData',Z(T).', 'CData',mag(T).' );
pause(0.25); %just so we can see the result
% Update trisurf() patch: option 2
set( h, 'Faces',T, 'Vertices',[X(:) Y(:) Z(:)], 'FaceVertexCData',mag(:) );
pause(0.25); %just so we can see the result
where z
is assumed to always be a scalar, just like in the original call to trisurf()
calls using Vertices
can be some 20% faster than set()
calls using XData
and related properties, and that these strategies are about an order of magnitude faster than multiple trisurf()
calls. When the number of x/y-positions is allowed to vary from 2 to 200, however, run times are about the same for the three approaches.Nruns=1e3;
for i=1:Nruns
if i==round(Nruns/10)
tic(); %discard first 10% of iterations
x = linspace(0,1,randi(Nxy_max-1)+1); %randi([2,Nxy_max]) can be a bit slower
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,x,randn());
mag = hypot(X(:),Y(:));
T = delaunay(X(:),Y(:));
trisurf(T, X(:), Y(:), Z(:), mag, 'FaceColor', 'interp');
view([-90 90]);
tmean_trisurf=1e3*toc()/(Nruns-round(Nruns/10)+1), %in [ms]
h=trisurf(T, X(:), Y(:), Z(:), mag, 'FaceColor', 'interp');
view([-90 90]);
for i=1:Nruns
if i==round(Nruns/10)
x = linspace(0,1,randi(Nxy_max-1)+1);
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,x,randn());
mag = hypot(X(:),Y(:));
T = delaunay(X(:),Y(:));
set( h, 'Faces',T, 'XData',X(T).', 'YData',Y(T).', 'ZData',Z(T).', 'CData',mag(T).' );
tmean_xyzdata=1e3*toc()/(Nruns-round(Nruns/10)+1), %in [ms]
for i=1:Nruns
if i==round(Nruns/10)
x = linspace(0,1,randi(Nxy_max-1)+1);
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(x,x,randn());
mag = hypot(X(:),Y(:));
T = delaunay(X(:),Y(:));
set( h, 'Faces',T, 'Vertices',[X(:) Y(:) Z(:)], 'FaceVertexCData',mag(:) );
tmean_vertices=1e3*toc()/(Nruns-round(Nruns/10)+1), %in [ms]