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Create multiple HTTP clients with same interface

We need to be able to connect to multiple Elasticsearch servers. We have a simple Elasticsearch client, defined with the declarative approach of Micronaut.

However, being a multi-tenant environment, we need to be able to define many such clients. Each of these clients has obviously a different URL and needs to use a different HTTPFilter for authentication.

Micronaut being a compile-time focused framework, how can I dynamically create many such beans, defined by configuration options?

UPDATE: I see that the @Factory combined with @EachBeanannotation might be a promising way to do it, but the declarative HTTP client is an interface, not a concrete class. How can I instantiate such a client, based on the interface alone?



  • Create your declarative @Client interface normally except for 2 details :

    1. make it point to a url locally "/proxy-elastic"
    2. add to every declared methods a @Header("X-Elastic-Cluster") String cluster
    public interface DeclarativeHttpClient {
        void diplay(@Header(value = "X-Elastic-Cluster") String cluster, String name);

    Then, create a ProxyFilter and mutate the HttpRequest based on the Header value (

    public class KafkaConnectClientProxy extends OncePerRequestHttpServerFilter {
        ProxyHttpClient client;
        protected Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> doFilterOnce(HttpRequest<?> request, ServerFilterChain chain) {
            // retrieve the config for this cluster
            String cluster = request.getHeaders().get("X-Elastic-Cluster");
            var config = getConfigForCluster(cluster);
            URI newURI = URI.create(config.url);
            // call kafka connect with proper URL and Auth
                            .uri(b -> b
                            .basicAuth(config.basicAuthUsername, config.basicAuthPassword)
            ), response -> response.header("X-My-Response-Header", "YYY"));