I've been trying to fix this for about two days but I'm getting no where. I'm trying to get the resque-web page to show but I keep running into the error
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotPrecompiled in ResqueWeb::Overview#show
Message shown
ActionView::Template::Error (resque_web/plugins/resque_scheduler/application.css):
12: file_path = "#{p.name.underscore.downcase}/application.css"
13: if (Rails.application.assets && Rails.application.assets.find_asset(file_path)) ||
14: (Rails.application.assets_manifest && Rails.application.assets_manifest.assets[file_path])
15: stylesheet_link_tag "#{p.name.underscore.downcase}/application"
16: end
17: end.join("\n").html_safe
18: %>
what is being called from the stack
def raise_unless_precompiled_asset(path)
raise Helper::AssetNotPrecompiled.new(path) if @check_precompiled_asset && !precompiled?(path)
gem versions
resque (2.0.0)
resque-multi-job-forks (0.5.1)
resque-scheduler (4.4.0)
resque-web (0.0.12)
sprockets (4.0.2, 3.7.2)
sprockets-rails (3.2.2)
require "resque_web"
require 'resque-scheduler'
require 'resque/scheduler/server'
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount ResqueWeb::Engine => "/resque_web"
root to: "pages#home"
Ideally it will be 'admin/resque_web'
for production purposes.
I've tried this fix by "bitterloa" https://github.com/resque/resque-web/issues/106 because my file structure is set the same using webpacker
I've looked and the development.rb to check that debugging is false
I've recompiled my assets after destroying them using sprock-rails rails assets:clobber
Any ideas where I can look or if anyone else has run into this problem lend a hand please.
Run commands from terminal shows that resque is running and accepting schedule jobs from my scheduler.yml file I just can't get the css for it to work.
If you need any more info let me know.
resque comes with a built-in server. You do not need resque-web
and it seems it is not maintained (last commit was on 2018).
Let's try this:
gem 'resque', require: 'resque/server'
# routes.rb
mount Resque::Server.new, :at => "admin/resque"
Make sure you allow just admins to access to that page in production. For that you could read about Route Constraints to do something like:
constraints IsResqueAllowed do
mount Resque::Server.new, :at => "admin/resque"
class IsResqueAllowed
def self.matches?(request)
# use the request to do something
More information about securing the route here.