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Value of type UIImage has no member cgImageOrientation

I am new coreml and I was reading a book I came across a code snippet and when I tried to run it I got the above error , I Googled but got no luck , here is my code

import UIKit
import Vision
extension UIImage {
    func detectFaces(completion:@escaping ([VNFaceObservation]?)->()){
        guard let image = self.cgImage else {
        let request = VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest() {
            let handler = VNImageRequestHandler(cgImage: image, orientation: self.cgImageOrientation)
            //above error here I think cgImageOrientation is no longer available but what's the solution anyways

here I am using swiftUI and lifecycle methods are also selected as swiftui , The book name is "Practical Artificial intelligence with swift" by orielly code from the book page 1

page 2


  • You need to continue working through the tutorial before you'll be able to compile it. The next section of the book talks about creating Views.swift, and step 8 of that section includes this extension:

    extension UIImage {
        func fixOrientation() -> UIImage? {
            self.draw(at: .zero)
            let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
            return newImage
        var cgImageOrientation: CGImagePropertyOrientation {
            switch self.imageOrientation {
                case .up: return .up
                case .down: return .down
                case .left: return .left
                case .right: return .right
                case .upMirrored: return .upMirrored
                case .downMirrored: return .downMirrored
                case .leftMirrored: return .leftMirrored
                case .rightMirrored: return .rightMirrored