I've embedded a property sheet in a dialog box IDC_CONTAINER by specifying the HWND of the container in the hwndParent of the property sheet header when creating the property sheet. In the callback I specified the following...
int CALLBACK PSCallback (HWND hWnd, UINT message, LPARAM lParam)
switch (message)
case PSCB_PRECREATE: // Remove Title Bar and Borders.
// SO FAR border removal not working
((LPDLGTEMPLATE)lParam)->style &= ~WS_CAPTION;
return 0;
The property sheet is displayed without a title bar as expected but with a border. I expected the border to go away since WS_CAPTION contains the border style per the MSDN.
Is there some way to get rid of the border?
win32api no mfc c++
I managed to do what I needed, see comments added to original posting.