Our teacher gave us this exercise:
"Given a string like '-5,14' write a function that returns the float value of -5,14
I used double here just to test the precision, but it also didn't work with floats.
[also i'm from Europe, we use the comma instead of the dot. Oh also we aren't allowed to use the type string and bool, we have to "make" them like in C]
This is what i came up with, and it seems to work a little bit. Positive numbers are similar, but wrong, and given a negative number, the result is similar to 10 times the positive of the given number.
It should work like this:
But for some reason it's not working properly. The lower the number is, the less accurate it is (given 4,5 the result is 9, but given 345,543 the result is 350,43)
#include <iostream>
#define EOS '\0'
#define DIM 100
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
void leggiN(char* c)
std::cout << "Insert a number: ";
std::cin >> c;
double stof(char* str)
double Result = 0;
double ascii_to_int = 48;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int IntegerDigits = 0;
int DecimalDigits = 0;
int CommaIndex;
int isNegative = FALSE;
if (str[0] == '-')
IntegerDigits = -1;
isNegative = TRUE;
while (str[i] != ',')
CommaIndex = i;
while (str[i] != EOS)
for (i = (CommaIndex - 1); i >= 0; --i)
Result += (str[i] - ascii_to_int) * (std::pow(10, j));
j = 0;
for (i = (CommaIndex + 1); str[i] != EOS; ++i)
Result += (str[i] - ascii_to_int) * (std::pow(10, -j));
if (isNegative == 1)
Result = Result * -1;
return Result;
int main()
char str[DIM];
std::cout << stof(str);
use j = 1 to start your second for loop. You are trying to raise 10 to the power of -0
j = 1;
for (i = (CommaIndex + 1); str[i] != EOS; ++i)
Result += (str[i] - ascii_to_int) * (std::pow(10, -j));