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setting parameters of openCV tracking API in python

I'm trying to use openCV tracking API in Python for object tracking. I tried the code in this link and don't have any problem running the code. But, looking at the openCV documentation here, I realized there are parameters for each of the tracking algorithms. How can I set these parameters in python? Had a hard time trying to figure this out, but no success.


  • An update, 4 years later, for anyone that might still be looking. For opencv-python-contrib versions around 3.x you can use sturkmen's answer (from here)

    tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT_create()"default_csrt.xml") // saves default values of the Tracker
                                        you can rename default_csrt.xml-> custom_csrt.xml 
                                        and change values in it and use it load params
    fs = cv2.FileStorage("custom_csrt.xml",cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ)
    fn = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()

    For opencv 4.x (I'm on 4.5, and haven't gone through to check when the change happened), most of the trackers have a Tracker*_Params() method. If you want to find what parameters are available you can run e.g.

    list(filter(lambda x: x.find('__') < 0, dir(cv2.TrackerCSRT_Params)))

    In all, if you want to set the parameters for a tracker in Python opencv you could do something like this (note, I fudged the version compatibilities)

    (major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.')
    def set_CSRT_Params():
        # Don't modify
        default_params = {
            'padding': 3.,
            'template_size': 200.,
            'gsl_sigma': 1.,
            'hog_orientations': 9.,
            'num_hog_channels_used': 18,
            'hog_clip': 2.0000000298023224e-01,
            'use_hog': 1,
            'use_color_names': 1,
            'use_gray': 1,
            'use_rgb': 0,
            'window_function': 'hann',
            'kaiser_alpha': 3.7500000000000000e+00,
            'cheb_attenuation': 45.,
            'filter_lr': 1.9999999552965164e-02,
            'admm_iterations': 4,
            'number_of_scales': 100,
            'scale_sigma_factor': 0.25,
            'scale_model_max_area': 512.,
            'scale_lr': 2.5000000372529030e-02,
            'scale_step': 1.02,
            'use_channel_weights': 1,
            'weights_lr': 1.9999999552965164e-02,
            'use_segmentation': 1,
            'histogram_bins': 16,
            'background_ratio': 2,
            'histogram_lr': 3.9999999105930328e-02,
            'psr_threshold': 3.5000000149011612e-02,
        # modify
        params = {
            'scale_lr': 0.5,
            'number_of_scales': 200
        params = {**default_params, **params}
        tracker = None
        if int(major_ver) == 3 and 3 <= int(minor_ver) <= 4:
            import json
            import os
            with open('tmp.json', 'w') as fid:
                json.dump(params, fid)
            fs_settings = cv2.FileStorage("tmp.json", cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ)
            tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT_create()
        elif int(major_ver) >= 4:
            param_handler = cv2.TrackerCSRT_Params()
            for key, val in params.items():
                setattr(param_handler, key, val)
            tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT_create(param_handler)
            print("Cannot set parameters, using defaults")
            tracker = cv2.TrackerCSRT_create()
        return tracker