I have Strimzi Kafka cluster on OpenShift, configured like described here:
Basically like this:
kind: Kafka
name: ...
version: 2.7.0
replicas: 2
plain: {}
type: tls
type: route
tls: true
type: tls
type: simple
According to the article above, I can only access bootstrap server via port 443
. Basically, this set up works and does what I need.
I am wondering if I can get external access to Zookeper to manage cluster via command line from my machine? And if yes, should I download Kafka binaries and use CLI from archive? Or I need to login to Zookeeper Pod (e.g. via OpenShift UI) and manage Kafka cluster via CLI from there?
Thanks in advance.
Strimzi does not provide any access to Zookeeper. It is locked down using mTLS and network policies. If you really need it, you can use this unofficial project https://github.com/scholzj/zoo-entrance and create a route manually your self. But it is not secure - so use it on your own risk. Openin a temrinal inside the Zookeeper pod would be an option as well. But in most cases, you should not need Zookeeper access today as Kafka is anyway preparing for its removal.