Is there a way to determine if a registered COM component is creatable as a stand-alone component simply by parsing the information available in the registry? In particular, by the information found in HKCR/ClsId?
My system has over 12,000 entries in this key, and I am already excluding any items that do not have an InProcServer32 or LocalServer32 key, but this only eliminates about half of the items. I believe there are still another couple thousand that are not creatable objects. I really don't want to have to attempt to do a CreateObject() on every one of them to distinguish the ones that can be created from the ones that cannot. Is there a more efficient way?
I used Oleview for this purpose (back in the day :))
If I remember correctly (no Windows PC nearby):
(not interface
or source
; there were also global modules which I suppose are creatable too: I'm just not sure whether they are defined as coclassesIt is possible to read the information within a type library with the ITypeLib and ITypeInfo interfaces. They can be created with the ICreateTypeLib and ICreateTypeInfo interfaces. However, the Microsoft IDL compiler (MIDL) is probably the only application to ever use ICreateType and ICreateTypeInfo.
A quick google turned up this useful page: Reading Type Libraries with C++.
It contains just the code to get started. Just to see whether it was worth anything, I fired up a cloud Windows instance, grabbed all the sources and compiled it.
In contrast with the options mentioned on the site, I simply compiled on windows with
cl.exe *.cpp /EHs ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
Just for fun, I compiled the stuff on Linux (64 bit) using MingW:
i586-mingw32msvc-g++ *.cpp -loleaut32 -lole32 -o Typelib.exe
To save you the work I have put a zip-file up for download containing:
win32_Unicode.cpp - sources by René Nyffenegger
TestTypelib.exe - binary compiled on windows
A test run:
# linux: ./a.exe ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/msxml6.dll
C:\Games\Stacko>TestTypelib.exe c:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll
MSXML2: Microsoft XML, v6.0
Nof Type Infos: 149
Interface: Dispatch
functions: 8
variables: 0
Function : QueryInterface
returns : VT_VOID
flags :
invoke kind: function
params : 2
params opt : 0
Parameter : riid type = VT_PTR (VT_USERDEFINED (GUID)) in
Parameter : ppvObj type = VT_PTR (VT_PTR) out
Function : AddRef
returns : VT_UI4
flags :
invoke kind: function
params : 0
params opt : 0
(snip) and 15499 lines more
I hope this gives you a good starting point in scanning your system for installed, creatable, COM components