I have two apps in Heroku. Say app A and app B.
App A has a database resource a and app B has a database resource b.
So, something like A->a, B->b
What is happening now is that I changed app A to use database resource b that originally belong to app B. That is: A->b
App B is not in operation. Database resource a is not in use.
Currently, on app A's resource page, it shows both databases (a and b). As shown below. Note that the second database in the image is b that originally belong to app B. Therefore it has a "Billed to" B text.
My question is that:
1.) How could I safely make the second database resource belongs to app A as well so that it won't show as "Billed to" B on the screen?
2.) If I delete app B (as no longer needed), will the database resource b be deleted as well?
According to this thread's answer
you can't change billing app: How to move a Heroku addon from one app to another
A bit disappointing, I know :(