I have a table called table1:
id created_date
1001 2020-06-01
1001 2020-01-01
1001 2020-07-01
1002 2020-02-01
1002 2020-04-01
1003 2020-09-01
I'm trying to write a query that provides me a list of distinct IDs with the earliest created_date they have, along with the count of rows each id has:
id created_date count
1001 2020-01-01 3
1002 2020-02-01 2
1003 2020-09-01 1
I managed to write a window function to grab the earliest date, but I'm having trouble figuring out where to fit the count statement in one:
row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY created_date) as row_num
FROM table1)
) AS a
WHERE row_num = 1
You would use aggregation:
select id, min(create_date), count(*)
from table1
group by id;
I find it amusing that you want to use window functions -- which are considered more advanced -- when lowly aggregation suffices.