I have a model where the property CompanyID allows a null value
public partial class ReportTemplateItem
public int ReportTemplateItemID { get; set; }
public int ReportTemplateID { get; set; }
public int? CompanyID { get; set; }
In the DBContext OnModelCreating, there is no property declared for CompanyID
But when posting the ModelState is Invalid. The form works as intended if I remove ModelState validation
Accepting a null value appears to be the default behavior for Model Validation, what am i missing?
Razor Pages with EF Core 3.0, Nullable Reference Types is disabled
many thanks
If this is any help, you may try just not to send a null value at all (exclude it from data being sent).
For example, instead of sending the folowing json data:
var data = {
reportTemplateItemID: 1,
reportTemplateID: 2,
companyID: null
send only:
var data = {
reportTemplateItemID: 1,
reportTemplateID: 2
If you have a complex object, you may easily strip all nulls before making an ajax call:
// let's remove null and undefined values
// an easy way is to serialize using a replacer function and deserialize back
const str = JSON.stringify(data, function(key, value) { return value === null ? undefined : value; });
const newData = JSON.parse(str);
See how it works:
var data = { "aaa" : undefined, "bbb": null, ccc : ""}
// newData = "{"ccc":""}"
ModelState validation won't fail in such case (as long as the value type is nullable), at least in ASP.NET Core 3.1 (I didn't check other versions).