I have implemented a small scene graph to be rendered by OpenGL, all the objects derive from a common Node
class and during OpenGL frame rendering I just call the visit
method of the root node and it traverses the graph recursively. The first matrix I pass when beginning traversal is the camera matrix.
The visit
method looks like this:
void Node::visit(const QMatrix4x4 &mv) {
QMatrix4x4 m = mv;
m_effectiveMV = m;
for (int i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++) {
draw(); // draws if this node has anything to draw,
// otherwise just transformation.
The problem I experience is, when I set rotation for a child node, the rotation happens relative to the parent node, not around the node itself. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong here?
Assuming your matrix methods are doing the right thing, translation should be the first one in the list:
This will first scale and rotate the vertex, then translate it into the parents system and so on.