I've been working on a State Monad with F# Computation Expression and I'm trying to also utilize Custom Operations. I'm getting some weird behavior that does not make sense. The compiler is reporting that a value does not exist when it was declared just two lines above.
type State<'a, 's> = ('s -> 'a * 's)
module State =
// Explicit
// let result x : State<'a, 's> = fun s -> x, s
// Less explicit but works better with other, existing functions:
let result x s =
x, s
let bind (f:'a -> State<'b, 's>) (m:State<'a, 's>) : State<'b, 's> =
// return a function that takes the state
fun s ->
// Get the value and next state from the m parameter
let a, s' = m s
// Get the next state computation by passing a to the f parameter
let m' = f a
// Apply the next state to the next computation
m' s'
/// Evaluates the computation, returning the result value.
let eval (m:State<'a, 's>) (s:'s) =
m s
|> fst
/// Executes the computation, returning the final state.
let exec (m:State<'a, 's>) (s:'s) =
m s
|> snd
/// Returns the state as the value.
let getState (s:'s) =
s, s
/// Ignores the state passed in favor of the provided state value.
let setState (s:'s) =
fun _ ->
(), s
type StateBuilder() =
member __.Return(value) : State<'a, 's> =
State.result value
member __.Bind(m:State<'a, 's>, f:'a -> State<'b, 's>) : State<'b, 's> =
State.bind f m
member __.ReturnFrom(m:State<'a, 's>) =
member __.Zero() =
State.result ()
member __.Delay(f) =
State.bind f (State.result ())
let rng = System.Random(123)
type StepId = StepId of int
type Food =
| Chicken
| Rice
type Step =
| GetFood of StepId * Food
| Eat of StepId * Food
| Sleep of StepId * duration:int
type PlanAcc = PlanAcc of lastStepId:StepId * steps:Step list
let state = StateBuilder()
let getFood =
state {
printfn "GetFood"
let randomFood =
if rng.NextDouble() > 0.5 then Food.Chicken
else Food.Rice
let! (PlanAcc (StepId lastStepId, steps)) = State.getState
let nextStepId = StepId (lastStepId + 1)
let newStep = GetFood (nextStepId, randomFood)
let newAcc = PlanAcc (nextStepId, newStep::steps)
do! State.setState newAcc
return randomFood
let sleepProgram duration =
state {
printfn "Sleep: %A" duration
let! (PlanAcc (StepId lastStepId, steps)) = State.getState
let nextStepId = StepId (lastStepId + 1)
let newStep = Sleep (nextStepId, duration)
let newAcc = PlanAcc (nextStepId, newStep::steps)
do! State.setState newAcc
let eatProgram food =
state {
printfn "Eat: %A" food
let! (PlanAcc (StepId lastStepId, steps)) = State.getState
let nextStepId = StepId (lastStepId + 1)
let newStep = Eat (nextStepId, food)
let newAcc = PlanAcc (nextStepId, newStep::steps)
do! State.setState newAcc
type StateBuilder with
[<CustomOperation("sleep", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind=true)>]
member this.Sleep (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, duration) =
printfn $"Sleep"
State.bind (fun _ -> sleepProgram duration) state
[<CustomOperation("eat", MaintainsVariableSpaceUsingBind=true)>]
member this.Eat (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, food) =
printfn $"Eat"
State.bind (fun _ -> eatProgram food) state
let simplePlan =
state {
let! food = getFood
sleep 2
eat food // <-- This is where the error is.
// The value or constructor 'food' does not exist
let initalAcc = PlanAcc(StepId 0, [])
let x = State.exec simplePlan initalAcc
This all has to do with the deep nature of computation expressions, which, judging by the tags you put on your post, you must already understand are monads.
What are monads? It's just a name for this pattern of chaining computations together, passing the result of one as parameter to the next, that's all. See this answer for a somewhat more comprehensive explanation with examples. Here I'll just assume you know how bind
and return
work, especially seeing how you've implemented them for State
And what are computation expressions? They're what you might more generally call "monad comprehensions", which basically means they're syntactic sugar for monads. In practical terms, this means that they're clever syntax, which ultimately gets desugared to a series of bind
and return
Let's consider a simplified example without sleep
state {
let! food = getFood
printfn $"{food}"
This code would desugar into this:
(fun food ->
printfn "${food}"
state.Return ()
See what happened here? The part of the computation that comes after getFood
got turned into a function, and this function takes food
as a parameter. That's how the printfn
line gets the value of food
to print - by virtue of it being passed as a parameter to the function.
Custom operations, however, work a bit differently. When the compiler encounters a custom operation, it takes the whole expression (the sequence of Bind
calls) that came before the custom operation, and passes that whole thing to the custom operation as a parameter.
To see what happens, let's try to eat
state {
let! food = getFood
printfn $"{food}"
eat food
This would get desugared to:
(fun food ->
printfn $"{food}"
state.Return food
Hmm... See what happened here? The second parameter of Eat
is food
, but that's not defined anywhere! It's only valid inside that nested function! This is where you're getting your error.
So to deal with this, computation expressions have a special thing: ProjectionParameterAttribute
. Here the word "projection" roughly means "transformation", and the idea is that such parameter would be a function, which can be called on the result of the computation that's been computed "so far" to extract some part of it.
In practice this means that if we annotate Eat
like so:
member this.Eat (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, [<ProjectionParameter>] food) =
Then the desugaring of the above example becomes this:
(fun food ->
printfn $"{food}"
(fun x -> x)
Notice how the nested function calls state.Return
, so that the result of the whole Eat
's first parameter is the value of food
. This is done on purpose, to make intermediate variables available to the next part of the computation. This is what it means to "maintain variable space".
And then notice how the second parameter of Eat
became fun x -> x
- meaning it's extracting the value of food
from the intermediate state that has been returned from the Eat
's first parameter via that state.Return
Now Eat
can actually call that function to get at the value of food
member this.Eat (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, [<ProjectionParameter>] food) =
printfn $"Eat"
State.bind (fun x -> eatProgram (food x)) state
Note the parameter x
- that comes from state
, funneled into the lambda expression by State.bind
. If you look at the type of Eat
, you'll see that it became this:
Eat : State<'a, StateAcc> * ('a -> Food) -> State<unit, StateAcc>
Meaning that it takes a state computation producing some 'a
, plus a function from 'a
to Food
, and it returns a state computation producing nothing (i.e. unit
So far so good. This will fix the "food
is not defined" problem.
But not so fast! Now you have a new problem. Try introducing sleep
back in:
state {
let! food = getFood
printfn $"{food}"
sleep 2
eat food
And now you get a new error: food
was expected to have type Food
, but here has type unit
WTF is going on here?!
Well, you're just throwing away the food
inside Sleep
, that's all.
member this.Sleep (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, duration) =
printfn $"Sleep"
State.bind (fun _ -> sleepProgram duration) state
This was `food`. It's gone now.
You see, Sleep
takes a computation producing something and proceeds to throw away that something and run sleepProgram
, which is a computation producing unit
, so that's what the result of sleep
Let's look at the desugared code:
(fun food ->
printfn $"{food}"
state.Return food
(fun x -> x)
See how Sleep
's result is the first parameter of Eat
? That means Sleep
needs to return a computation producing food
, so that Eat
's second parameter can have access to it. But Sleep
doesn't. It returns the result of sleepProgram
, which is a computation producing unit
. So food
is gone now.
What Sleep
really needs to do is to first run sleepProgram
, then to the end of it chain another computation that would return the result of the original Sleep
's first parameter. Like this:
member this.Sleep (state:State<_,PlanAcc>, duration) =
printfn $"Sleep"
(fun x ->
(fun () -> State.result x)
(sleepProgram duration)
But this is ugly as hell, isn't it? Luckily, we have a handy compiler feature to turn this mess of bind
calls into a nice and clean program: computation expressions!
member this.Sleep (st:State<_,PlanAcc>, duration) =
printfn $"Sleep"
state {
let! x = st
do! sleepProgram duration
return x
If you take away one thing from all of this, let it be the following:
"Variables" that are defined within a computation expression are not really "variables" at all, they only look like them, but in reality they're function parameters, and you have to treat them as such. This means that every operation has to make sure to thread through whatever parameters it got from upstream. Otherwise those "variables" won't be available downstream.