I am running this query
select * from
(select name, count(distinct id) as ids, date
from table1
group by name, date ) as tt
full outer join
(select st_name as name,count(distinct id) as ids, date
from table2
group by st_name, date) as ts
on tt.name= ts.name
and tt.ids = ts.ids
It runs successfully but I want to ask if there is an alternative more efficient way to run this query.
I assume that you want to get days when the two numbers are not the same (it seems like the most reasonable thing you want from such a query). So, this addresses that question.
should be fine. But an alternative is to try UNION ALL
and aggregation:
select name, sum(ids_1), sum(ids_2), date
from ((select name, count(distinct id) as ids_1, NULL as ids_2, date
from table1
group by name, date
union all
(select st_name as name, NULL, count(distinct id) as ids_2, date
from table2
group by st_name, date
group by name, date
having sum(ids_1) = sum(ids_2)