I changed my SDK version for flutter to min , so that I can fix my code for null safety.
There is one issue that I don't understand, this line produces the following error:
The argument type 'Color?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Color'
border: Border.all(color: Colors.grey[300], width: 1),
but if I change Colors.grey[300]
with whatever value that doesn't use []
, it will work,
so Colors.grey
works perfectly fine.
What should I change here to keep using grey[300]
You can use 0xFFE0E0E0
for grey[300].
To pick material colors you can use this tool.
To select a specific color from one of the swatches, index into the swatch using an integer for the specific color desired, as follows:
Color selection = Colors.green[400]!; // Selects a mid-range green.
Each ColorSwatch constant is a color and can used directly. For example:
color: Colors.blue, // same as Colors.blue[500] or Colors.blue.shade500