I'm working with Ionic angular and Mapbox. I want to know which theme is applied to load the mapbox theme too...
something like this:
const currentIonicTheme = ionic.theme.apllied; // here is where I want to know how to get the current theme in the app
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
style: `mapbox://styles/mapbox/${currentIonicTheme}-v10`,
center: [this.lng, this.lat],
zoom: 15.5,
pitch: 45,
bearing: -17.6,
container: 'map',
antialias: true
is there any way to do this to call /mapbox/light-v10 or /mabox/dark-v10 depending of the theme in the app?
Use this Plugin: cordova-plugin-theme-detection
import { ThemeDetection } from "@ionic-native/theme-detection/ngx";
selector: "app-home",
templateUrl: "home.page.html"
export class HomePage {
constructor(private themeDetection: ThemeDetection) {}
private async isAvailable(): Promise<ThemeDetectionResponse> {
try {
let dark_mode_available: ThemeDetectionResponse = await this.themeDetection.isAvailable();
} catch (e) {
private async isDarkModeEnabled(): Promise<ThemeDetectionResponse> {
try {
let dark_mode_enabled: ThemeDetectionResponse = await this.themeDetection.isDarkModeEnabled();
} catch (e) {