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add column to existing dataframe from widgets values using pyspark

I have a dataframe where i need to add a column from the widget value that is being passed. I am trying the below code but its not helping in anyways. When we display(pdf) we should also see the ID column has also been added.

  pdf=pTF.withColumn('ID',lit(dbutils.widgets.text("ID", "eiheifhj", label="pro_ID")).cast(StringType()))

The above code is puhsing all nulls into the columns ID. Could you please help. I would request the experts to help in the above challenge


  • In the following code, you are actually defining the widget instead of fetching the value the widget contains.

    dbutils.widgets.text("ID", "eiheifhj", label="pro_ID")
    • "ID" is the name of your widget.
    • "eiheifhj" is the default value of the widget.
    • "pro_ID" is the widget label in UI

    so if you want to fetch the value of the 'ID' widget, you can use the following method.


    hence your program should be modified as follows :
