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How to remove Grey box from Picker Flutter widget

I am using flutter_picker: ^2.0.0 plugin. And could not find option to remove grey box from Picker.

Here is my code :-

      itemExtent: 50,
      magnification: 1.4,
      hideHeader: true,
      adapter: _picAdapterLB,
      selecteds: [_selectedWeightLb],
      height: 200,
      textStyle: MyTextStyle.pickerItem,
      selectedTextStyle: MyTextStyle.pickerSelectedItem,
      onSelect: (Picker picker, int index, List<int> tmp) {
        setState(() {
          _selectedWeight = picker.adapter.toString();
          _selectedWeightUnit = AppStrings.WEIGHT_LB;

enter image description here

Thanks in advance.


  • You can modify source code Picker.dart line 497
    and add selectionOverlay: CupertinoPickerDefaultSelectionOverlay(background: Colors.transparent,),
    code snippet

    var _view = CupertinoPicker.builder(
                  selectionOverlay: CupertinoPickerDefaultSelectionOverlay(background: Colors.transparent,),

    Default background of CupertinoPickerDefaultSelectionOverlay is CupertinoColors.tertiarySystemFill

    class CupertinoPickerDefaultSelectionOverlay extends StatelessWidget {
      /// Creates an iOS 14 style selection overlay that highlights the magnified
      /// area (or the currently selected item, depending on how you described it
      /// elsewhere) of a [CupertinoPicker].
      /// The [background] argument default value is [CupertinoColors.tertiarySystemFill].

    working demo after modify source code

    enter image description here