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How do I add a Twig test in October CMS?

This is working well in my registerMarkupTags function.

            'functions' => [
                'isNumeric' => function($value) { return is_numeric($value); }

So I can write:

{% if isNumeric(result) %}

I want to make it a test e.g.

{% if result is numeric %}


  • You can add a custom extension for twig


    Add below code to your plugin.php file

    // other imports
    use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension as TwigExtension;
    // our extension class 
    // you can declare here inside plugin.php file or in your `plugin\classes` file
    // for simplicity we have declared it here
    class MyTwigExtension extends TwigExtension {
        public function getTests() {
            return [
                new \Twig\TwigTest('numeric', function ($value) {
                    return is_numeric($value);
    class Plugin extends PluginBase {
        public function boot() {
                function ($controller, $url, $page) {
                    $controller->getTwig()->addExtension(new MyTwigExtension);
        // other code

    Now from your markup

    {% if 12 is numeric %}
        yes numeric.
    {% else %}
        not a numeric.
    {% endif %}

    if any doubt please comment.