Scripts in view do not work for me. But at the same time scripts work in _Layout
. For example, if I add a button to _Layout
, the script works, but in the same view the same button does not work.
I tried to do it through
@section Scripts { code... }
@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)
but it doesn't work at all in both _Layout
and view
Update :
Where it is highlighted in yellow, this button is located in _Layout
, and where it is red, it is located in View. Yellow invokes the script without issue. And red does not cause
Please make sure the value of id
attribute must be unique within the DOM, you can specify different value for these two cart button, like below.
<button id="btnCrt1">Cart</button>
<button id="btnCrt2">Cart</button>
Then use following selector to select/match element(s) that have the id
attribute with a value beginning exactly with btnCrt
$("button[id^='btnCrt']").click(function () {
//code logic here