Let's say I have a rule like,
key = { ASCII_ALPHA ~ ( ASCII_ALPHA | "_" )+ }
value = { (!NEWLINE ~ ANY)+ }
keyvalue = { key ~ "=" ~ value? }
option = { key }
This supports a
Which is want to set/unset a key
, and to specify an option
, what I don't like is the syntax for option
which produces an AST like this,
rule: option,
span: Span {
str: "check_local_user",
start: 302,
end: 318,
inner: [
Pair {
rule: key,
span: Span {
str: "check_local_user",
start: 302,
end: 318,
inner: [],
I don't like that my option
has inner with key
. I'm just wanting to the option
to have the same grammar as a key
. Is there any method in Pest.rs to write the grammar such that
inner { myStuff }
outer = { inner }
gets flattened to
outer = { myStuff }
Using the Atomic Parsing Token @
, I could accomplish this.
option = @{ key }
It's documented as,
Any rules called by atomic rules do not generate token pairs.