I have an xts with OHLC and a logical column: isSwingBottom. I want a new column that gives the index of first occurrence of isSwingBottom by searching only in dates prior to the current row. I need the closest found row. For example, in this data for isSwingBottom, 1995-10-04/1995-10-10 should be NA, 1995-10-11/1995-10-31 should be 1995-10-10 and so on. I want to avoid using a loop.
myXTS <- structure(c(408.75, 417.2937, 423.3188, 423.775, 419.3375, 415.55,
419.325, 417.25, 415.8375, 411.7812, 408.975, 406.2625, 396.6062,
385.6125, 374.375, 368.0375, 369.8625, 356.2688, 360.45, 357.45,
354.35, 363.6313, 356.25, 361.0813, 364.375, 365.9, 351.15, 342.0375,
333.5938, 315.4812, 418.75, 431.25, 431.25, 429.375, 421.875,
422.5, 419.375, 418.125, 417.5, 415.625, 411.875, 406.25, 396.875,
378.75, 393.8188, 373.5, 371.5, 366.25, 366.25, 358.4937, 364.625,
372.25, 363.75, 368.75, 369.25, 362.5, 350, 343.75, 337.5, 322.5,
408.75, 417.625, 420.625, 415.625, 412.5, 417.625, 417, 415.125,
406.25, 406.25, 405, 387.5, 382.5, 368.75, 361.875, 368.125,
353.75, 350, 356.25, 350.875, 355, 360.625, 355.125, 358.875,
362.5, 344, 339.5, 332.5, 313.375, 309.5, 417.2937, 423.3188,
423.775, 419.3375, 415.55, 419.325, 417.25, 415.8375, 411.7812,
408.975, 406.2625, 396.6062, 385.6125, 372.0562, 368.0375, 369.8625,
356.2688, 360.45, 357.45, 354.35, 363.6313, 361.5, 361.0813,
364.375, 365.9, 351.15, 342.0375, 333.5938, 315.4812, 315.8188,
4560, 11120, 30840, 8640, 7400, 3040, 6360, 1720, 6080, 6840,
9200, 38440, 53000, 32000, 46240, 17680, 57240, 57840, 28680,
28880, 66760, 56640, 23240, 33480, 39120, 62480, 64320, 79920,
66320, 60360, NA, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(30L, 7L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("Open",
"High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "isSwingBottom", "isSwingTop"
)), index = structure(c(812764800, 812851200, 812937600, 813196800,
813283200, 813369600, 813456000, 813542400, 813801600, 813888000,
813974400, 814060800, 814147200, 814406400, 814492800, 814579200,
814665600, 814752000, 815011200, 815097600, 815184000, 815270400,
815356800, 815616000, 815702400, 815788800, 815875200, 815961600,
816220800, 816307200), tzone = "UTC", tclass = "Date"), class = c("xts",
If you want a new column with dates you might need to convert myXTS
to dataframe. Try this approach :
myXTS %>%
fortify.zoo() %>%
mutate(new_col = if_else(isSwingBottom == 1, Index, as.Date(NA))) %>%
# Index Open High Low Close Volume isSwingBottom isSwingTop new_col
#1 1995-10-04 408.7500 418.7500 408.750 417.2937 4560 NA 0 <NA>
#2 1995-10-05 417.2937 431.2500 417.625 423.3188 11120 0 0 <NA>
#3 1995-10-06 423.3188 431.2500 420.625 423.7750 30840 0 0 <NA>
#4 1995-10-09 423.7750 429.3750 415.625 419.3375 8640 0 0 <NA>
#5 1995-10-10 419.3375 421.8750 412.500 415.5500 7400 1 0 1995-10-10
#6 1995-10-11 415.5500 422.5000 417.625 419.3250 3040 0 1 1995-10-10
#7 1995-10-12 419.3250 419.3750 417.000 417.2500 6360 0 0 1995-10-10
#8 1995-10-13 417.2500 418.1250 415.125 415.8375 1720 0 0 1995-10-10
#9 1995-10-16 415.8375 417.5000 406.250 411.7812 6080 0 0 1995-10-10
#10 1995-10-17 411.7812 415.6250 406.250 408.9750 6840 0 0 1995-10-10
#11 1995-10-18 408.9750 411.8750 405.000 406.2625 9200 0 0 1995-10-10
#12 1995-10-19 406.2625 406.2500 387.500 396.6062 38440 0 0 1995-10-10
#13 1995-10-20 396.6062 396.8750 382.500 385.6125 53000 0 0 1995-10-10
#14 1995-10-23 385.6125 378.7500 368.750 372.0562 32000 0 0 1995-10-10
#15 1995-10-24 374.3750 393.8188 361.875 368.0375 46240 0 0 1995-10-10
#16 1995-10-25 368.0375 373.5000 368.125 369.8625 17680 0 0 1995-10-10
#17 1995-10-26 369.8625 371.5000 353.750 356.2688 57240 0 0 1995-10-10
#18 1995-10-27 356.2688 366.2500 350.000 360.4500 57840 0 0 1995-10-10
#19 1995-10-30 360.4500 366.2500 356.250 357.4500 28680 0 0 1995-10-10
#20 1995-10-31 357.4500 358.4937 350.875 354.3500 28880 1 0 1995-10-31
#21 1995-11-01 354.3500 364.6250 355.000 363.6313 66760 0 0 1995-10-31
#22 1995-11-02 363.6313 372.2500 360.625 361.5000 56640 0 1 1995-10-31
#23 1995-11-03 356.2500 363.7500 355.125 361.0813 23240 1 0 1995-11-03
#24 1995-11-06 361.0813 368.7500 358.875 364.3750 33480 0 0 1995-11-03
#25 1995-11-07 364.3750 369.2500 362.500 365.9000 39120 0 1 1995-11-03
#26 1995-11-08 365.9000 362.5000 344.000 351.1500 62480 0 0 1995-11-03
#27 1995-11-09 351.1500 350.0000 339.500 342.0375 64320 0 0 1995-11-03
#28 1995-11-10 342.0375 343.7500 332.500 333.5938 79920 0 0 1995-11-03
#29 1995-11-13 333.5938 337.5000 313.375 315.4812 66320 0 0 1995-11-03
#30 1995-11-14 315.4812 322.5000 309.500 315.8188 60360 NA 0 1995-11-03