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How do I utter dynamic message with hyperlink attached in Rasa X?

How do I utter a message, displaying results based on a datasheet, and attach a hyperlink within the text?
Example of what I am trying to achieve:

    num = phone_format(str(sheet["" + chr(ord(requested_info_column)+1) + "{}".format(row)].value))
    dispatcher.utter_message(text="The " + column_names[requested_info_column] 
       + " for the " + str(sheet["B{}".format(row)].value) + " project is "
       + str(sheet["" + str(requested_info_column) + "{}".format(row)].value)
       + " and can be reached at " + num)

formatting method:

def phone_format(n):
   formatNum = '({}){}-{}'.format(n[0:3], n[3:6], n[6:])
   hypNum = '<a href="tel:%s">%s</a>' % (n, formatNum)
   return  hypNum

The issue I am having is that Rasa X displays the string, with the correct data, but the hyperlink is not attached to the phone number.


  • Displaying links in the front end is different for different platforms. Rasa X uses Markdown Format to display the links.

    So, instead of the normal anchor tag, you need to use Markdown link format for display.


    hypNum = '<a href="tel:%s">%s</a>' % (n, formatNum)

    to this

    hypNum = '[%s](tel:%s)' % (formatNum,n)

    Hope this solves your issue.