I have the following piece of code:
var paramDeclType = m_semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(paramDecl.Type).Type;
Where paramDeclType.ToString()
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, System.Collections.Generic.List<int>>
I also have the same information from Mono.Cecil - paramDef.ParameterType.FullName
I would like to compare the type names coming from these two different sources.
I would like to avoid elaborate regex parsing, if possible.
Ideas are welcome.
In the meantime, I am going to look for Mono.Cecil
replacement from Microsoft - System.Reflection.Metadata. Maybe two libraries from Microsoft would be able to produce compatible type names.
I would like to share the function I currently use:
private const string GENERIC_ARG_COUNT_PATTERN = @"`\d+";
private static readonly Regex s_genericArgCountRegex = new Regex(GENERIC_ARG_COUNT_PATTERN);
public static bool IsSameType(this TypeReference typeRef, ITypeSymbol typeSymbol, bool isByRef)
if (isByRef || typeRef.IsByReference)
return isByRef && typeRef.IsByReference && DoIsSameType(((ByReferenceType)typeRef).ElementType, typeSymbol);
return DoIsSameType(typeRef, typeSymbol);
static bool DoIsSameType(TypeReference typeRef, ITypeSymbol typeSymbol)
var arrayTypeSymbol = typeSymbol as IArrayTypeSymbol;
var arrayTypeRef = typeRef as ArrayType;
if (arrayTypeSymbol != null || arrayTypeRef != null)
return arrayTypeSymbol != null
&& arrayTypeRef != null
&& arrayTypeSymbol.Rank == arrayTypeRef.Rank
&& DoIsSameType(arrayTypeRef.ElementType, arrayTypeSymbol.ElementType);
// Optimistic approach
var declFullName = typeSymbol.ToString();
var typeRefFullName = typeRef.FullName;
if (typeRefFullName.Contains('`'))
typeRefFullName = s_genericArgCountRegex.Replace(typeRef.FullName, "");
if (declFullName == typeRefFullName)
return true;
// Built-in types - either top level or as generic arguments.
if (typeRef is GenericInstanceType genTypeRef)
if (!(typeSymbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedTypeSymbol) ||
!namedTypeSymbol.IsGenericType ||
genTypeRef.ElementType.Name != namedTypeSymbol.ConstructedFrom.MetadataName ||
genTypeRef.GenericArguments.Count != namedTypeSymbol.TypeArguments.Length ||
genTypeRef.ElementType.Namespace != namedTypeSymbol.ConstructedFrom.ContainingNamespace.ToString())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < genTypeRef.GenericArguments.Count; ++i)
if (!DoIsSameType(genTypeRef.GenericArguments[i], namedTypeSymbol.TypeArguments[i]))
return false;
return true;
typeRef.Name == typeSymbol.Name &&
typeRef.IsBuiltInType() &&
typeSymbol.ContainingNamespace.Name == "System";
public static bool IsBuiltInType(this TypeReference t)
return t.Scope.Name == "mscorlib" && DoIsBuiltInType(t);
static bool DoIsBuiltInType(TypeReference t) => t switch
ArrayType arrayType => DoIsBuiltInType(arrayType.ElementType),
ByReferenceType byReferenceType => DoIsBuiltInType(byReferenceType.ElementType),
_ => t.IsPrimitive || t.Name == "Object" || t.Name == "Decimal" || t.Name == "String",