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Google Storage Python ACL Update not Working

I have uploaded one image file to my google storage bucket.

  #Block 1
  #Storing the local file inside the bucket
  blob_response = bucket.blob(cloud_path) 
  blob_response.upload_from_filename(local_path, content_type='image/png')  

File gets uploaded fine. I verify the file in bucket. After uploading the file, in the same method, I am trying to update the acl for file to be publicly accessible as:

  #Block 2
  blob_file = storage.Blob(bucket=bucket20, name=path_in_bucket)
  acl = blob_file.acl

This does not make the file public.

Strange thing is that,after I run the above upload method, if I just call the #Block 2 code. separately in jupyter notebook; It is working fine and file become publicly available.

I have tried:

  • Checked existence of blob file in bucket after upload code.
  • Introducing 5 seconds delay after upload.

Any help is appreciated.


  • If you are changing the file uploaded from upload_from_filename() to public, you can reuse the blob from your upload. Also, add a reloading of acl prior to changing the permission. This was all done in 1 block in Jupyter Notebook using GCP AI Platform.

    # Block 1
    bucket_name = "your-bucket"
    destination_blob_name = "test.txt"
    source_file_name = "/home/jupyter/test.txt"
    storage_client = storage.Client()
    bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
    blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)
    print(blob) #prints the bucket, file uploded
    blob.acl.reload() # reload the ACL of the blob
    acl = blob.acl
    for entry in acl:
            print("{}: {}".format(entry["role"], entry["entity"]))


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