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Memory Leak in Binary Tree Initialize Function

I am attempting to make and evaluate a binary expression tree based on a postfix user input string in C. My binary tree initialization function is causing memory leaks, however. To summarize my algorithm, the user enters a postfix string of input which is parsed through by a function and assembled into the tree. Here's my full code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

// Define binary expression tree data structure
typedef struct binExpTree {

  char *val;
  struct binExpTree *left;
  struct binExpTree *right;

} expTree;

// Define expression tree stack data structure
typedef struct expTreeStack {

  int height;
  int used;
  expTree **expTreeDarr;

} treeStack;

// Function prototypes
void initStack(treeStack *stack);

expTree * getTopStack(treeStack *stack);

int isEmptyStack(treeStack *stack);

void pushStack(treeStack *stack, expTree *treeNode);

expTree * popStack(treeStack *stack);

void clearStack(treeStack *stack);

expTree * initTree(char *val);

void printCommands();

expTree * parseExpression(char *expString);

void clearTree(expTree *rootNode);

void printInfix(expTree *rootNode);

void printPrefix(expTree *rootNode);

int evalExpression(expTree *rootNode);

/* File contains all functions necessary for stack operations */

// Initialize empty binary tree stack of size 4
void initStack(treeStack *stack) {

  stack->height = 4;
  stack->used   = 0;
  stack->expTreeDarr = (expTree **)malloc(sizeof(expTree *) * stack->height);


// Return the tree node from the stack's top
expTree * getTopStack(treeStack *stack) {

  if (stack->used > 0) {
    return stack->expTreeDarr[stack->used - 1];
  else {
    return NULL;


// Discern whether tree stack is empty
int isEmptyStack(treeStack *stack) {

  if (stack->used == 0) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;


// Push tree node pointer onto stack
void pushStack(treeStack *stack, expTree *treeNode) {

  if (stack->used == stack->height) {
    expTree **expTreeTmp = stack->expTreeDarr;
    stack->height += 4;
    stack->expTreeDarr = (expTree **)malloc(sizeof(expTree *) * stack->height);

    for (int i = 0; i < stack->used; i++) {
      stack->expTreeDarr[i] = expTreeTmp[i];

  stack->expTreeDarr[stack->used] = treeNode;
  stack->used = stack->used + 1;

// Pop tree node pointer from the stack
expTree * popStack(treeStack *stack) {
  expTree *stackTmp = getTopStack(stack);
  expTree *newNode = (expTree *)malloc(sizeof(expTree));
  *newNode = *stackTmp;
  stack->used -= 1;

  return newNode;

// Empty stack of all data (make sure this works)
void clearStack(treeStack *stack) {

  for (int i = 0; i < stack->used; i++) {

  stack->used   = 0;
  stack->height = 0;


/* File contains all functions necessary for binary tree operations */

// Initialize binary expression tree with specified operator/operand

expTree * initTree(char *val) {

  expTree *newTree = (expTree *)malloc(sizeof(expTree));
  newTree->val = (char *)malloc(strlen(val) + 1);
  strcpy(newTree->val, val);
  newTree->left  = NULL;
  newTree->right = NULL;

  return newTree;


// Print commands available to the user
void printCommands() {
  printf("The commands for this program are:\n\n");
  printf("q - to quit the program\n");
  printf("? - to list the accepted commands\n");
  printf("or any postfix mathematical expression using the operators of *, /, +, -\n");


// Return size of binary expression tree
int sizeTree(expTree *treeNode) {

  if (treeNode == NULL) {
    return 0;
  else {
    return 1 + sizeTree(treeNode->left) + sizeTree(treeNode->right);


// Construct a postfix binary expression tree from expression string
expTree * parseExpression(char *expString) {
  char *expStringCopy = (char *)malloc(strlen(expString) + 1);
  expTree *treeNode;
  treeStack expStack;

  strcpy(expStringCopy, expString);
  char *expStringTok = strtok(expStringCopy, " ");

  while (expStringTok != NULL) {
    if (*expStringTok == '+' || *expStringTok == '-' ||
        *expStringTok == '*' || *expStringTok == '/') {
      if (expStack.used < 2) {
        return NULL;
      treeNode = initTree(expStringTok);
      treeNode->right = popStack(&expStack);
      treeNode->left  = popStack(&expStack);
      pushStack(&expStack, treeNode);
    else {
      treeNode = initTree(expStringTok);
      pushStack(&expStack, treeNode);
    expStringTok = strtok(NULL, " ");
  if (expStack.used > 1 || (*(treeNode->val) != '+' && *(treeNode->val) != '-' &&
                            *(treeNode->val) != '*' && *(treeNode->val) != '/')) {
    return NULL;
  treeNode = popStack(&expStack);
  return treeNode;

// Clear binary expression tree
void clearTree(expTree *rootNode) {
  if (rootNode == NULL) {
  else {


// Print infix notation of expression
void printInfix(expTree *rootNode) {
  if (rootNode == NULL) {
  else {
    if (*(rootNode->val) == '+' || *(rootNode->val) == '-' ||
        *(rootNode->val) == '*' || *(rootNode->val) == '/') {
        printf("( ");

    printf(" %s ", rootNode->val);
    if (*(rootNode->val) == '+' || *(rootNode->val) == '-' ||
        *(rootNode->val) == '*' || *(rootNode->val) == '/') {
        printf(" )");

// Print prefix notation of expression
void printPrefix(expTree *rootNode) {
  if (rootNode == NULL) {
  else {
    printf(" %s ", rootNode->val);


// Evaluate the expression tree
int evalExpression(expTree *rootNode) {
  char op;

  if (*(rootNode->val) == '+') {
    return evalExpression(rootNode->left) + evalExpression(rootNode->right);
  else if (*(rootNode->val) == '-') {
    return evalExpression(rootNode->left) - evalExpression(rootNode->right);
  else if (*(rootNode->val) == '*') {
    return evalExpression(rootNode->left) * evalExpression(rootNode->right);
  else if (*(rootNode->val) == '/') {
    return evalExpression(rootNode->left) / evalExpression(rootNode->right);
  else {
    return atoi(rootNode->val);

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])

  char input[300];
  expTree *expPostfix;

  /* set up an infinite loop */
  while (1)

    /* remove the newline character from the input */
    int i = 0;

    while (input[i] != '\n' && input[i] != '\0') {
    input[i] = '\0';

    /* check if user enter q or Q to quit program */
    if ( (strcmp (input, "q") == 0) || (strcmp (input, "Q") == 0) )
    /* check if user enter ? to see command list */
    else if ( strcmp (input, "?") == 0)

    /* user enters an expression */
    else {
        // Parse the expression into a binary expression tree
    printf("%s\n", input);
    expPostfix = parseExpression(input);
        // Discern whether expression is valid
    if (expPostfix == NULL) {
          printf("Invalid expression. Enter a valid postfix expression \n");

    // Print the expression in infix notation
        printf("Infix notation: ");
    // Print the expression in prefix notation
        printf("Prefix notation: ");
    // Print the expression in postfix notation
        printf("Postfix notation: ");
    printf("%s\n", input);

    // Evaluate expression and print result
        printf("Expression result: %d \n\n", evalExpression(expPostfix));


  return 0;

Upon running with Valgrind and an input of "1 1 -", this is the output:

==35604== HEAP SUMMARY:
==35604==     in use at exit: 72 bytes in 3 blocks
==35604==   total heap usage: 13 allocs, 10 frees, 2,236 bytes allocated
==35604== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 2
==35604==    at 0x483B7F3: malloc (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/
==35604==    by 0x10952C: initTree (proj4base_38.c:143)
==35604==    by 0x1096CC: parseExpression (proj4base_38.c:194)
==35604==    by 0x109B8A: main (proj4base_38.c:323)
==35604== 48 bytes in 2 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 2
==35604==    at 0x483B7F3: malloc (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/
==35604==    by 0x10952C: initTree (proj4base_38.c:143)
==35604==    by 0x109719: parseExpression (proj4base_38.c:201)
==35604==    by 0x109B8A: main (proj4base_38.c:323)
==35604== LEAK SUMMARY:
==35604==    definitely lost: 72 bytes in 3 blocks
==35604==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==35604==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==35604==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==35604==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==35604== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
==35604== ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors from 2 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

So it seems the culprit is my initTree() function. However, I just cannot wrap my head around why this memory is being lost. I hope this isn't too much code. This is an edit from previously, where someone informed me there was not enough information to go on.


  • The leak is caused by popStack, because the target of stackTmp gets leaked when the function exits:

    expTree * popStack(treeStack *stack) {
      expTree *stackTmp = getTopStack(stack);
      expTree *newNode = (expTree *)malloc(sizeof(expTree));
      *newNode = *stackTmp;
      stack->used -= 1;
      return newNode;

    Given that the stack seemed to be the exclusive owner of the tree, and it no longer has a pointer to it, popStack can avoid the leak by simply not making a copy and returning the original:

    expTree * popStack(treeStack *stack) { 
      expTree *topNode = getTopStack(stack);
      stack->used -= 1;
      return topNode;