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Twincat Activate Configuration error 0x1028 - unable to activate

I am a beginner in Twincat and is trying to run a sample program on my system(not on target). I did all the steps mentioned here and did get the system up and running my sample code once. However, when I tried to run it again after a system restart, I get an error message.

enter image description here

I tried creating a new empty solution and another one with test code, both of them throws the same error code. Also, when I click on the green Restart TwinCat system button, I get the following error.

enter image description here

How do I solve this?


  • You need to enable AMD-V in your BIOS.

    The procedure is explained here: (This is done for an Intel system, while you seem to have an AMD system, but it's the same procedure).

    Also make sure to run this file in CMD (as Administrator):


    And then reboot your computer.

    If this doesn't do the trick, then do core isolation and run your TwinCAT task on an isolated core. Maybe that was what you were doing before but not now? It's described quite well in this video: