I have started using MySQL 8
and trying to update JSON data type
in a mysql table
My table t1
looks as below:
# id group names
1100000 group1 [{"name": "name1", "type": "user"}, {"name": "name2", "type": "user"}, {"name": "techDept", "type": "dept"}]
I want to add user3
to the group1
and written below query:
update t1 set names = JSON_SET(names, "$.name", JSON_ARRAY('user3')) where group = 'group1';
However, the above query is not working
I suppose you want the result to be:
[{"name": "name1", "type": "user"}, {"name": "name2", "type": "user"}, {"name": "techDept", "type": "dept"}, {"name": "user3", "type": "user"}]
This should work:
UPDATE t1 SET names = JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(names, '$', JSON_OBJECT('name', 'user3', 'type', 'user'))
WHERE `group` = 'group1';
But it's not clear why you are using JSON at all. The normal way to store this data would be to create a second table for group members:
CREATE TABLE group_members (
member_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
`group` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
member_type ENUM('user','dept') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user',
Then store one per row.
Adding a new member would be like:
INSERT INTO group_members
SET `group` = 'group1', name = 'user3';
So much simpler than using JSON!