I'm trying to bring some data from a parent to a modal, where are 2 inputs one it's a v-autocomplete, but it is not showing the selected data.
As you can see there is a data coming from the function getDepartamentos, it is also coming an object categorias: {id: 1, nome: "Arroz", id_departamento: 3 }
from the parent, but it's not selected on my v-autocomplete.
The id_departamento in my categoria is 3, and the departamentos has the related ID and the nome as it should show.
This data is coming from a list of categorias and I want to show it to edit and show.
Here is the code:
:rules="id_departamento_Rules" />
data() {
return {
loader: false,
dadosCategoria: {
id: 0,
nome: '',
id_departamento: 0,
departamentos: {},
created() {
this.$root.$on('open-modal-categoria', (categoria) => {
this.visible = true;
if (categoria) {
this.dadosCategoria = categoria;
mounted() {
I just found out that is coming an string as id of departamento, so I just made the parseInt() in the variable this.dadosCategoria.id_departamento;