In the following sparse matrix:
A=[1 1 1 3];
C = sparse(A',1:length(A),ones(length(A),1),4,4);
C =
(1,1) 1
(1,2) 1
(1,3) 1
(3,4) 1
ans =
1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0
How could I compute the mean value of non-zero elements in each row? I couldn't use the built-in mean function of matlab on these sparse matrices. I found this similar question and I can apply it to my problem
[row, ~, v] = find(C);
K>> rowmean = accumarray(row, v, [], @mean);
K>> rowmean
rowmean =
However, I would like to get zero value for the last row instead of this row being removed from the answer.
You can specify the output size as the third input of accumarray
[row, ~, v] = find(C);
rowmean = accumarray(row, v, [size(C,1), 1], @mean);
If desired, you can use the sixth input of accumarray
to obtain sparse
rowmean = accumarray(row, v, [size(C,1), 1], @mean, 0, true);
You can do something simpler like this. The result is sparse
rowmean = sum(C, 2) ./ sum(C~=0, 2); % mean of nonzeros in each row, manually
rowmean(isnan(rowmean)) = 0; % replace NaN (resulting from 0/0) by 0