This is my current system, which just looks to see whether there is a period in the path... but that doesn't work in all cases
with ZipFile(zipdata, 'r') as zipf: #Open the .zip BytesIO in Memory
mod_items = zipf.namelist() #Get the name of literally everything in the zip
for folder in mod_folders:
mod_items.insert(0, folder)
#Put the folder at the start of the list
#This makes sure that the folder gets created
#Search through every file in the .zip for each folder indicated in the save
for item in mod_items:
if folder in item: #If the item's path indicates that it is a member of the folder
itempath = item #Make a copy of the
if not itempath.startswith(folder):
itempath = path_clear(itempath, folder)
if not 'GameData/' in itempath:
itempath = 'GameData/' + itempath
path = mod_destination_folder + '/' + itempath
path = path_clear(path)
dot_count = path.count('.')
if dot_count: #Is a normal file, theoretically
itemdata =
with open(path, 'wb') as file:
except FileNotFoundError as f:
folder_path = path[:path.rfind('/')]
with open(path, 'wb') as file:
else: #Is a folder
try: makedirs(path)
except: pass
All I need is some sort of way to determine whether: A) Whether the folder is one of the folders desired by the user B) For each item in that folder is a directory or a file
Use ZipInfo.is_dir
You can also use infolist
instead of namelist
to get ZipInfo objects directly instead of names.
Alternatively, check the name - directories will end with /
. (This is the same check that is_dir