I got some tables:
Book(bookId, libraryId, bookName, bookType);
BookType(bookType, typeName);
BookBorrowed(BorrowId, LibraryId, UserId);
BorrowDetail(BorrowId, bookId)
and a user created in sqlDeveloper, C##DG.
How to GRANT privileges(select) ON BookBorrowed and User with UserId = 1(C##DG can only see and use SELECT the data on the 2 table whose UserId column is 1)?.
Can you guys show me some examples?
Thanks you very much.
The proper Oracle solution to this is Virtual Private Database.
if that isn't an option, another way is to define views such as:
create view userBookBorrowed
as select * from bookBorrowed bb
join users u on (u.userid = bb.userid)
where u.username = USER;
Then only grant the users access to the view, not the table.